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Reviews and Recommendations for books related to Care of Creation.  Find your next read!
Overshoot: How the World Surrendered to Climate Breakdown.

Overshoot: How the World Surrendered to Climate Breakdown.

Andreas Malm & Wim Carton

How can we cease being the chaplains to capitalism and start seriously to address our climate crises?

Fredric L. Quivik

What if we Get it Right?

What if we Get it Right?

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson

What if we act as if we love the future?

Rev. John Hanson

When the Ice Is Gone

When the Ice Is Gone

Paul Bierman

This book reads like an adventure story, with intrepid military officials trying to conquer the ice and with scientists making important new discoveries, but its message about disappearing ice is also an important one as collectively we try to chart a sustainable path to the future.

Fredric L. Quivik

Soil and Spirit

Soil and Spirit

Ian C. Williams

“The object of this book is to provide you, the modern-day human, with resources to live a more natural and spiritual life.”

Rev. John Hanson

Not the End of the World

Not the End of the World

Hannah Ritchie

Not the End of the World aims to relieve us from that discouragement by showing all the ways that humanity is now doing a much better job than is widely understood in addressing the monumental environmental issues that face us, including climate change

Fredric L. Quivik

Restoring the Kinship Worldview

Restoring the Kinship Worldview

Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows) and Darcia Narvaez, PhD

“First Nations people remain on the front lines in defending what biodiversity remains on Mother Earth, and they need our prayers and supportive actions.”

Rev. John Hanson

Profit: An Environmental History

Profit: An Environmental History

Mark Stoll

We have tried to heal the environment, but we have done little to address the engine that is driving environmental harm

Fredric L. Quivik

The World is Ours to Cherish: A Letter to a Child

The World is Ours to Cherish: A Letter to a Child

Mary Annaïse Heglar

For anyone who needs a little hope for the future of this planet on which we live



Kaitlin Curtice

The author calls attention to native American views on the earth and environment, and how her indigenous heritage reframes her view of God

Rev. John Hanson

Here: The Dot We Call Home

Here: The Dot We Call Home

Laura Alary

People of every place and time share one home, and the task of looking after it

Coyote’s Wild Home

Coyote’s Wild Home

Barbara Kingsolver and Lily Kingsolver

Imagine wilderness as a place to be protected, loved, and shared

The Covenant of Water

The Covenant of Water

Abraham Verghese

The Covenant of Water is a joy to read, with an abundance of passages that are deeply affecting.

Fredric L. Quivik

The Planet You Inherit: Letters to my Grandchildren When Uncertainty's a Sure Thing

The Planet You Inherit: Letters to my Grandchildren When Uncertainty's a Sure Thing

Larry Rasmussen

Our grandchildren, and great grandchildren et cetera, will arguably be better served by such an understanding to ground their Great Work. And Christ's church will be so, as well.

Rev. Dr. Dennis Ormseth

Laudate Deum:
To all people of good will on the climate crisis

Laudate Deum:
To all people of good will on the climate crisis

Pope Francis

The impact it has on the most poor and vulnerable among us, as well as the environment in its entirety

Rev. John Hanson

Rooted Faith: Practices for Living Well on a Fragile Planet

Rooted Faith: Practices for Living Well on a Fragile Planet

Sarah Renee Werner

Werner uses the term kin-dom of God rather than kingdom, to show that all things, living, plant, animal, waters, mountains, rocks, all are our kin, all part of God’s creation and caring presence. 

Rev. John Hanson

The Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorching Planet

The Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorching Planet

Jeff Goodell

“the big surprise in writing this book has been discovering not only how easily and quickly heat can kill you, but what a powerful reminder it is of how deeply connected we are to one another and all living things.”

Fredric L. Quivik

Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet

Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet

Thich Nhat Hanh

We need to take personal stock on how we live our lives and relate to each other.  Taking care of the planet will naturally follow. 

Rev. John Hanson

An Immense World

An Immense World

Ed Yong

Yong’s book gives us powerful insights into the magnificence of the world around us

Fredric L. Quivik

The Treeline: The Last Forest and the Future of Life on Earth

The Treeline: The Last Forest and the Future of Life on Earth

Ben Rawlence

The boreal stretches from northern Europe, Russia, Alaska, Canada, and into Greenland. It is the second largest biom on earth, after the oceans, the lung of the earth more impactful than any other forest.

Rev. John Hanson

Fostering Sustainable Behavior (3rd edition)

Fostering Sustainable Behavior (3rd edition)

Doug McKenzie-Mohr, PhD

Community-Based Social Marketing acknowledges the difficulties of making changes and offers strategies and ways of thinking that help with change

Kris Grangaard

Our Only World

Our Only World

Wendell Berry

Increasing our efforts to participate in and encourage locally produced farm products is vital.

Rev. John Hanson

Healing Ground: Climate, Justice, and the Deep Roots of Regenerative Farming

Healing Ground: Climate, Justice, and the Deep Roots of Regenerative Farming

Liz Carlisle

Regenerative agriculture and the role it must play if the Earth’s human population is to adequately address the looming climate crisis.

Fredric L. Quivik

As Long As Grass Grows

As Long As Grass Grows

Dina Gilio-Whitaker

This book is the best example I have read which clearly reveals the intersection of racism and the environment regarding First Nations people.

Larry Johnson

The (Un)Common Good

The (Un)Common Good

Rev. Dr. James E. Wallis, Jr.

“Do not go left.  Do not go right.  Go deeper.”

Doug Jacobson

Drawing Close, Encountering Joy

Drawing Close, Encountering Joy

Janice E. Kirk

Through poetry, drawings, prayers and scripture readings, she calls upon the reader to “enjoy nature’s wonders every day.”

Rev. John Hanson

Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World

Sacred Nature: Restoring Our Ancient Bond with the Natural World

Karen Armstrong

Perhaps if we sit still and silently in the natural world, we will begin to understand that it is sacred because God is everywhere present in it.

Rev. John Hanson

Climate Justice (Hope, Resilience, and the fight for a sustainable future)

Climate Justice (Hope, Resilience, and the fight for a sustainable future)

Mary Robinson

She powerfully and anecdotally brings together the threat of climate change and how it affects real people, threatening, not only their way of life, but their very lives

Rev. John Hanson

The Bald Eagle “the improbable journey of America’s Bird”

The Bald Eagle “the improbable journey of America’s Bird”

Jack E. Davis

This book was a journey through the history of our nation on many levels, including our regard for nature, environment and the threats that have accrued throughout that history.

Rev. John Hanson

Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?

Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?

Bill McKibben

we can destroy, but also We can decide not to destroy.

Rev. John Hanson

Voices in the Stones

Voices in the Stones

Kent Nerburn

The Shoshone elder was right, we have much to learn from Native spirituality and way of life. Will we ever humble ourselves to begin that learning process?

Rev. John Hanson

Saving Us, A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World

Saving Us, A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World

Katherine Hayhoe

We cannot afford to be paralyzed by fear or shame. We must act, with power, love, and a sound mind. Together we can save ourselves.

Rev. John Hanson

Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love

Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love

Elizabeth A. Johnson

We need to listen to the voices of the beasts, the trees, all of nature, to understand and advocate for the entire creation. 

Rev. John Hanson

“Rooted and Rising” Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis

“Rooted and Rising” Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis

Leah D. Schade & Margaret Bullit-Jonas

Is climate change not a moral challenge?

Rev. John Hanson

John Hanson's Book Review List 2020-2021

John Hanson's Book Review List 2020-2021

Various Authors

Looking for ideas for a book group in your church or community?

Rev. John Hanson

The Right to be Cold

The Right to be Cold

Sheila Watt-Coutier

The title of Watt-Coutier’s book might resonate with us who live in northern Minnesota, but others might ask, who wants that right?

Rev. John Hanson

How to Rescue the Earth Without Worshiping Nature

How to Rescue the Earth Without Worshiping Nature

Tony Campolo

“Being concerned about the environment is a biblically mandated command, and acting to rescue creation….is a Christian obligation,”

Rev. John Hanson

The Hours of the Universe

The Hours of the Universe

Ilia Delio

Love is a theme throughout Ilia’s writing, because it is the essence of the living God.

Rev. John Hanson

A New Climate for Theology

A New Climate for Theology

Sally McFague

Christians [should] have always known this, because an incarnate God is a world-loving God; but now it takes on new meaning and depth as we realize the radical interrelationship and interdependence of all forms of life. . . .

Rev. John Hanson

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