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Pollinator Plot Resources List


Beyond Pesticides

This wide ranging education and action organization includes No Spray Spring and the School Pesticide Reform Coalition


City of Saint Paul Pollinator Protection Initiative

Blooming Saint Paul is a landscaping and gardening program that's mission is to beautify Saint Paul through supporting the communal creation of a healthy natural environment in order to enhance touring, living and working in the city.


County Soil and Water Conservation District

for conservation and resource management, and possibly seeds and plants

See Resoure Website

Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs

Pollinator Protection


Living Landscapes Initiative Resources

● Seed Mix Webpage (Includes 70 state seed mixes and fact sheets)
● Pollinator Toolbox (Guidance for pollinator projects)
● What’s Working Website (Successful conservation projects summarized by
conservation professionals)
● BWSR Native Vegetation Establishment and Enhancement Guidelines
● Featured Plant Articles (Native plants important for conservation efforts)
● Technical Guidance Documents (Upland and wetland restoration strategies)
● Minnesota Wetland Restoration Guide (Comprehensive wetland restoration guidance)
● Climate Resiliency Toolbox (Strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation)
● Buffer Establishment and Enhancement Toolbox (Buffer restoration planning)
● Lawns to Legumes Program
● FAQs (pdf)
● BWSR Pollinator Plan (pdf)
● Protecting Minnesota's Pollinators Brochure (pdf)
● Protecting Conservation Plantings from Pesticides (pdf)


Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy

Uses law and science to protect Minnesota’s environment, its natural resources, and the health of its people. One of its current issues foci is banning PFAS’s, forever chemicals, which damage pollinators as well as humans and so many elements of the environment.


Minnesota Environmental Partnership (MEP)

Minnesota is home to a diverse community of organizations, advocates, and citizens dedicated to protecting our health, safety, and natural resources. This list of organizations is not meant to be exhaustive, but features many of the groups that help keep Minnesota a wonderful place to live.


Monarch Watch has excellent resources for pollinator gardens. It is also the home to the Monarch Waystation program where you can get your garden certified as a Monarch Waystation.
Monarchs must have milkweed since it is the only plant upon which the female will lay eggs, and it is the only plant the caterpillars (larva) will eat. There are several types of milkweed that grow in our region: common milkweed, swamp milkweed (doesn't need a swamp), butterfly weed, showy milkweed, whorled milkweed, and poke milkweed.


Pesticide Action Network of North America

At Pesticide Action Network (PAN) North America, we work to create a just, thriving food system. For too long, pesticide and biotech corporations have dictated how we grow food, placing the health and economic burdens of pesticide use on farmers, farmworkers and rural communities. PAN works with those on the frontlines to tackle the pesticide problem — and reclaim the future of food and farming.
PAN North America is one of five regional centers worldwide. We link local and international consumer, labor, health, environment and agriculture groups into an international citizens’ action network. Together, we challenge the global proliferation of pesticides, defend basic rights to health and environmental quality, and work to ensure the transition to a just and viable food system.


Pollinate Minnesota

Pollinate Minnesota is a new organization, working toward a better Minnesota
for pollinators and people. They advocate for critical policies, provide
resources to communities making the pollinator friendly transition, and puts
more K12 students from around Minnesota in beekeeping suits in our


Pollinator Protectos: Sierra Club Grassroots Network

We are dedicated to fighting for pollinator health and against the toxins that harm bees, moths, butterflies and other essential creatures. A subteam of the Grassroot's Network's Food & Agriculture Team, we are a forum for sharing and learning about state and local tactics in education and action for pollinators, and participate in national strategy.


Recommended book:

Attracting Native Pollinators: Protecting North America’s Bees & Butterflies by the Xerxes Society.


School Pesticide Reform Coalition


City of Saint Paul Pollinator Protection Initiative

The guidebook contains a map of the Classroom, content of 27 interpretive posts, natural and cultural history material, and environmental stewardship strategies employed in the Classroom.


City of Saint Paul Pollinator Protection Initiative

The City is taking steps to do our part in preventing pollinator decline through a variety of initiatives, such as planting pollinator-friendly plants and reducing pesticide use on city-owned property.


How to build a butterfly garden


Lawns to Legumes: Y our Y ard can BEE the Change

This program offers a combination of workshops, coaching, planting guides, and cost-share funding for installing pollinator-friendly native plantings.
Apply for assistance @


Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources

Here is some of what they offer.
- Lawns to Legumes Program (residential landscape focused pollinator program)
- Habitat Friendly Solar Program (recognizes habitat as part of grounded-mounted solar projects)
- Habitat Enhancement Landscape Pilot (HELP) (strategic habitat on conservation lands and natural areas for pollinators and a wide range of beneficial insects)


Minnesota Department of Agriculture

Best Management Practices that we can follow to protect, improve and create pollinator Many useful resources, including how to encourage habitat in agricultural landscapes, yards and gardens and roadsides, also suggestions for making your yard bee-friendly (PDF), and protecting and supporting protecting and supporting endangered and threatened insect pollinators (PDF).


Minnesota Wildflowers Field Guide

contains photos and extensive information about
native and non-native plants that grow in Minnesota.


No Mow May/ Bee City USA

Thinking globally and acting locally, Bee City USA provides a framework for communities to come together to conserve native pollinators by providing them with healthy habitat that is rich in a variety of native plants, provides nest sites, and is protected from pesticides.


Planting Native Gardens for Kids


Pollinator Friendly Alliance

For pollinators in local communities and beyond. PFA’s credibility as the
visionary, organizer and liaison-broker among other committed stewards
generates action-oriented partnerships.


Raingarden Resources:

Planting for Clean Water:
All Things Raingardens:
Landscaping with Native Plants:
Blue Thumb - Planting for Clean Water
( provides educational resources and workshops
relating to native plants, raingardens, shoreline stabilization projects, and turf grass alternatives.


School Pesticide Reform Coalition


Xerces Society

its Pollinator Conservation Resource Center. Detailed guides for habitat evaluation and preparation, plant lists, habitat management, pesticide protection and native seeds and plant suppliers.

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