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June 1, 2023

"Earth's Climate Crisis"

"Earth's Climate Crisis"


Northeastern MN Synod

Northeastern Minnesota Synod

The ELCA Church Council adopted a new social message titled "Earth's Climate Crisis" on April 20, 2023. 

The ELCA writes, "Drawing from existing social teaching, social messages provide theological rationale and social analysis to foster discernment and engagement on a relatively narrow social issue. This project was authorized in light of the grim contemporary situation affecting our global home and the need for fresh action on the part of this church. It draws its framing themes from several social statements, particularly Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice." A Spanish translation and a study guide will be released shortly.

Jim Martin-Schramm, professor emeritus at Luther College, has prepared a powerpoint overview with discussion points that is available here.



EcoFaith Network NE MN Team
Northeastern MN Synod
Northeastern Minnesota Synod

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