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November 1, 2021

Calvary Lutheran, Mora, shares their Solar Energy Story!

Calvary Lutheran, Mora, shares their Solar Energy Story!

Paul and Karen Larsen

Calvary Lutheran Church, Mora, MN

Northeastern Minnesota Synod

Eliminating 333 metric tons of CO2 in 30 years and 85-90% on electric bills

The Care for the Creation Committee at Calvary Lutheran Church in Mora was formed to support the ELCA Social Statement and Advocacy. For many meetings, the committee talked about how we could provide our stewardship for the care of God’s creation to our community. We want to give our environment the best chance to renew and save on clean energy that has been given to us.

A small committee formed to investigate what solar energy could do for our community. Fortunately, a donor stepped forward to help with knowledge and finances learning about solar array.

The benefits to the environment for having solar energy avoids pollution that is created by traditional energy sources such as fossil fuels and nuclear plants. While in use, solar energy will create no harmful emissions or waste.

Bids to build a solar array on Calvary’s roof were brought in from a small company from Backus Minnesota called REAL Solar. REAL Solar has worked on many churches and homes within Minnesota, but also has gone to Africa to help build solar arrays on hospital/clinics to benefit over there.

REAL Solar company  placed 51 solar panels on Calvary’s main sanctuary roof - east facing. They estimate that 20.4 kW (kilowatt) solar array will offset about 471381 kWh’s of grid energy and 333 metric tons of CO2 emissions over 30 years. It is estimated to save the church about 85% to 90% on the electric bills.

The City of Mora Utilities and the City Council approved this project with Calvary in their April 2021 meeting.  Hook-up and completion with REAL Solar and the City of Mora Utilities was done by June 16th, 2021.


Paul and Karen Larsen

Members of Calvary Lutheran Care of Creation Committee
Calvary Lutheran Church, Mora, MN
Northeastern Minnesota Synod

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