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July 1, 2023

Caring for Creation at Carmel

Caring for Creation at Carmel

Mike Norberg

Northeastern Minnesota Synod

At the 2023 Synod Assembly, the voting members approved a resolution for the NE Minnesota Synod to become a Pollinator Synod. The resolution recognizes the importance of pollinators in our eco-system and acknowledges that populations of pollinator species have been decreasing and are being threatened by climate change, diminishing habitat, and the use of pesticides and other chemicals. The resolution also encourages congregations and individuals to promote pollinator friendly habitats on their grounds, at their homes and in their neighborhoods. 

Three families of Carmel Lutheran Church took the issue of pollinators to heart last spring. They built bee hives recognizing the need to sustain and support pollinators and hopefully obtain a little honey too. Horizontal insulated hives appeared to be the most sustainable way to raise and successfully winter pollinators in a northern climate. This is different from commercial beekeeping. The families purchased materials together, acquired and read a book on natural beekeeping called Keeping Bees With a Smile (Lazutin-Sharashkin).

Together the three families built hives insulated with sheep wool. They ordered pre-made frames to fit the hives and starter wax sheets that the bees use to build the honey comb and a package of bees with a queen to start the hive. In Carmel’s rural location there are an abundance of flowering plants and so far the bees appear to be thriving. In the spirit of the NE MN Synod designation as a pollinator synod, they all feel rewarded and fulfilled to enhance God's abundance.


Mike Norberg

EcoFaith Network NE MN Team
Northeastern Minnesota Synod

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