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May 1, 2022

Earth Day in the NEMN Synod

Earth Day in the NEMN Synod


Northeastern MN Synod

Northeastern Minnesota Synod

Check out the ways several congregations in our Synod celebrated Earth Day!

St. Andrews, Grand Rapids

Congregants were greeted with bird songs in the sanctuary on April 24 at St. Andrews in Grand Rapids, not because there were loose avians but through the wonders of Youtube to introduce our first Earth Sunday. Liturgy, hymns, music and sermon all focused on the care of creation. At our annual meeting last June, action was taken to officially sign a covenant a Caring for Creation Covenant and worship brought this to the surface again. 

Following the service, members could see the displays of climate change information, plastic bag impact, relevant library books, a whiteboard with positive action that has been taken by the church and laying out future steps, and they could pick up their reusable bag with the St. Andrews EcoFaith logo and a packet of milkweed seeds to plant for monarch habitat. 

12th Iron Range Earth Fest in Mountain Iron, MN

Grand Marais

28 booths/organizations, 9 speakers, 3 great music acts, and a couple hundred community members or more at the Earth Day event this year!



EcoFaith Network NE MN Team
Northeastern MN Synod
Northeastern Minnesota Synod

Living out God’s call to be stewards of the earth for the sake of the whole creation.

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NE-MN Synod ELCA with Saint Paul Area Synod Care of Creation

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