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December 1, 2023

ELCA Missionaries Prepare to Confront Global Climate Impacts

ELCA Missionaries Prepare to Confront Global Climate Impacts

Vern Rice

Christ the King Lutheran Church, New Brighton

Saint Paul Area Synod

On Wednesday, July 12th, the Christ the King Lutheran Church (New Brighton) Care for Creation Team hosted 20 ELCA missionaries preparing to go into many parts of the world. Tammy Walhof of Lutheran Advocacy and a partner on our St Paul Area Synod Creation Care Working Group, let us know that a  missionary orientation was taking place in the City of Minneapolis. They were asking for a local site that could make some environmental connection with the missionaries since they too will be encountering the climate issues in whatever country they go to. So Tammy asked us to tell what a local congregation is doing to care for the environment. Representatives of our solar panel working group,  our Community Garden and our new roadside pollinator garden all made presentations and showed our work to a very attentive audience. Our Global Mission Team also shared how we are partnering environmentally with our mission in Tanzania through tree planting and installing solar panels there. 


Kris Grangard from our Synod Creation Care Working Group, a member of Pilgrim Lutheran Church, told of other environmental work that is being done in our synod.  Tammy Walhof invited the missionaries to get back to us with any environmental concerns they learn about as a work in other countries.  Many of the problems they will face there are at least partially related to the pollution coming from the United States.


Members of Christ the King we're energized by hosting these wonderful missionaries!




Vern Rice

Care of Creation Work Group
Christ the King Lutheran Church, New Brighton
Saint Paul Area Synod

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