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February 1, 2024

Luther Seminary EcoFaith Team Hosts "Stuff Exchange"

Luther Seminary EcoFaith Team Hosts "Stuff Exchange"

Rachel Wyffels

St. Paul, MN

Saint Paul Area Synod

From January 6th-12th, the Luther Seminary EcoFaith Team hosted their second annual stuff exchange.

The premise of the "stuff exchange" was simple: students, faculty, and staff were invited to bring in items in gently used condition that they no longer use or need. Items were displayed on tables in the campus center during the January Residential Focus Sessions, a time when many students are on campus, and anyone was invited to take things that they could use. 

The stuff exchange has been beneficial to students. Items donated included albs and stoles, textbooks, clothes, electronics, and household items.

The Luther EcoFaith Team hopes to reduce consumption, bring awareness to consumerism, and provide quality items for those who could use them through the annual stuff exchange. Another major goal is to increase awareness of the EcoFaith Team's presence on campus and encourage participation in EcoFaith initiatives. Other priorities for the EcoFaith team include composting, waste reduction, and buckthorn removal.

The Team found that the stuff exchange provides a good opportunity to open up conversations throughout the student body about creation care. If your creation care team is looking for ways to engage new people, something as simple as a stuff exchange could be a good way to get the conversation going.

The Luther EcoFaith Team is grateful to the facilities department for making this event possible.


Rachel Wyffels

EcoFaith Network NE MN Team
St. Paul, MN
Saint Paul Area Synod

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