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July 1, 2021

Ordination of Colleen Bernu to the Ministry of Word and Service

Ordination of Colleen Bernu to the Ministry of Word and Service

Paul Jacobson

Saint Paul Area Synod

Note: The EcoFaith Network and the St. Paul Area Synod Care of Creation Work Group collaborated with Colleen Bernu and Together Here Ministries throughout the past year in a series of workshops, Called to Arise: Standing at the Intersection of Racism, Inequality, and the Environment.  They were represented at Colleen’s ordination by Pastor Amanda Kossow and Paul and Diane Jacobson.  The EcoFaith Network presented her a stole to honor her calling. 


On Saturday, June 19th, Colleen Bernu was ordained into the Ministry of Word and Service as a Deacon of the ELCA. This gloriously intercultural service was celebrated outdoors at the Douglas County Bird Sanctuary, close to Our Savior’s Lutheran Church of Solon Springs, Wisconsin, where Colleen’s family have been members for five generations. The service of word, sacrament, and music was marked with the Native American flute playing of Rosalyn Vier, singing and drumming by Carol and Kevin Kot, Oshki-giizhigimatoogin, and accompanied by bearers of the four elements of creation - Wind, Earth, Fire, and Water. Colleen’s daughter Johanna Bernu was Wind-Bearer. Kevin Kot preached, telling an Ojibwe story illustrating seven gifts of the spirit - all of which are seen in our new Deacon Colleen. Presiding for the service was Bishop Amy Odgren, assisted by The Rev. Jason Clifton and The Rev. Rebecca LeMenager. Colleen was surrounded in this celebration by many family members, mentors, friends and colleagues. And certainly, at this bird sanctuary, the Dove of the Holy Spirit was powerfully present. Colleen, who is the director of Together Here Ministries of the NE Minnesota Synod of the ELCA, will serve as a Deacon for this synod.


Submitted by Paul Jacobson

EcoFaith Leadership Team NE MN Synod and the St. Paul Area Synod Care of Creation Work Group




Paul Jacobson

Care of Creation Work Group
Saint Paul Area Synod

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NE-MN Synod ELCA with Saint Paul Area Synod Care of Creation

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