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June 1, 2023

Teaching Kids To Love The Earth: Sharing a Sense of Wonder
Earth Day

Teaching Kids To Love The Earth: Sharing a Sense of Wonder
Earth Day


Northeastern MN Synod

Northeastern Minnesota Synod

Teaching Kids To Love The Earth: Sharing a Sense of Wonder was the Earth Day Theme for 2023 at First Lutheran Church (FLC) in Duluth, Minnesota. Pr. Dianne Loufman donned butterfly wings. John Sippola preached in monarch butterfly cape, and Tim LaMaster captured the imaginations of young disciples with his snake stories.

Prize Drawing and Exhibits: First Prize was a $500 voucher from Voyageur Lutheran Ministries for any outdoor program at Camp Hiawatha or Vermilion. Maple Syrup was donated by Simple Gifts (Dave Rogotzke). Exhibitors included Pollinator Gardens (Shoreview Natives), Home Energy Audits (Ecolibrium3), BeeKeeping (Leif Ringsred), Soft Plastic Recycling (Eagle Scout Jacob Warren), UMD’s Students Apiary Project (Violet Forster and Emma ), and Ruth’s Vegetarian Gourmet of Two Harbors provided snacks for 300!

On Sunday, June 25 after church volunteers will plants FLC’s pollinator garden. Stay tuned to learn more about FLC’s Community Garden.



EcoFaith Network NE MN Team
Northeastern MN Synod
Northeastern Minnesota Synod

Living out God’s call to be stewards of the earth for the sake of the whole creation.

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